About Our Church
WE LIVE TO PRAISE HIMIn October 1864 the cornerstone for St. Marys German Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception was laid; on October 30, 1870, the church was dedicated. Construction began in August 2002 on major renovations. As Memphis lies in the heart of the New Madrid fault, modifications were needed for earthquake resistance, as well as protection from wind damage.
St. Marys Soup Kitchen began when the Franciscans took charge in 1870. St. Marys opened the first parochial high school in Tennessee in 1887 and in 1889 started a night school providing an opportunity for those who worked to further their education. In 1912, St. Marys was first again with a kindergarten for children four to six years of age. Before World War II, St. Marys always participated in the Cotton Carnival parade, its float won first place nine out of ten years.
The altars are handmade of wood shipped from Germany. The carved pews, the ornate confessional, and the frames of the Stations of the Cross were mostly made by Franciscan brothers who traveled from place to place wherever the Franciscans settled to build church furnishings on site.
Following World War II, major shifts in Memphis' population caused St. Marys to lose most of her territorial parishioners. Urban renewal completely changed downtown Memphis and made St. Marys future look bleak indeed.
However, by the turn of the 20th century, descendants of the original parishioners began to return from all over the city to worship. Today, the parish is made up of people from all areas of Greater Memphis, including Mississippi and Arkansas. As a result of the emphasis of rebuilding downtown Memphis, and an increased number of tourists to the area, the future of St. Marys is very bright.
Monday - 5:30 PM
Tuesday (Communion Service), 5:30 pm
Wednesday - 5:30 PM
Thursday - 5:30 PM
Friday - 5:30 PM
Saturday evening - 4:30 PM
Sunday - 8:00 and 10:30 AM
Holidays and Holy Days: Please refer to the parish bulletin or call the Parish Office
Parish Staff
Father Patrick Gallagher, Pastor
Deacon Ernie Albonetti (Phone: 493-0846), eaakma3373@gmail.com
Deacon Jerry Horne jwhorne1@gmail.com
Nancy Thielemier, Office Secretary
Connie Clingan, Director of Music & Wedding Coordinator (Phone: 832-4330)
Ron Bezon, Soup Kitchen Manager
Connie Clingan, St. Mary’s Women’s League
Kelly Price, Knights of Columbus
Mark Smith, Maintenance
Malcolm Clingan, Church Tour Guide
(For infants up to seven years of age): All parents must participate in the parish infant baptismal preparation program before a baptism can be celebrated. Please contact the parish office to schedule an appointment to meet with Fr. Gallagher, Deacon Ernie or Deacon Jerry.
Please call the parish office and schedule an appointment with the Pastor at least six months in advance of the proposed wedding date. Church Law, as well as diocesan and parish policy, requires that certain guidelines be met before a wedding may be scheduled.
Please call the parish office before making funeral arrangements to confirm the availability of the church and a priest if a Funeral Mass is to be celebrated.
Please have someone contact the Parish Office if you are hospitalized or are seriously ill. Due to privacy laws, hospitals do not notify churches when patients are admitted. Catholics are encouraged to seek the sacrament in advance of scheduled surgery.
If you would like to become part of the Saint Mary’s parish family, please fill out a New Member’s Form. These forms can be found in the back of the Church. You can bring it to the Parish Office or place it in the collection basket at Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration is offered on the first Friday of every month. Please check the bulletin or Parish News Letter for times and details.